Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Here I am

I guess I'll begin with, Hi, Im Tracey and I'm completely new to blogging and haven't a clue where to begin...so a (very) little about me, Im a Natural Light Photographer in Celeste, Texas.  About 3 months ago I was struggling to fill a session or two a weekend, and absolutely happy with that...flash forward to today: My month of May is 80% booked and June is half way there. Holy. Moly.

I didn't just pick up a camera.
I've always loved photography, from the Canon A100 fully manual, film camera circa-1992? Anywho..Dad brought it home and I don't recollect him actually using it much, and mom always telling me to take the pictures. High School came and and photojournalism electives!! Holy cow, IM IN! Then a dabble in year book for a year..and so on..it followed me, stalked me..had me doing AmAzInG things with a point and shoot, i was an avid photographer with no means, while we lived in Germany. Army pay didn't afford us many extra things, such as a Digital Camera..especially the ones I wanted.

Skipping the boring chatter, many lessons later, professional and personal, and all of these lessons and  chapters bring me to today. To where my eyes are open to all blessings that come my way. 

My "side-job" is now more than full-time, which I LOVE- so don't think I'm complaining. Surprised by the success is a better expression.  I spend my weekends photographing expectant Moms, glowing with anticipation. Hish School Seniors with the world at the tip of their noses and the NEWEST of families radiating with pride...my weekdays will soon be full of real estate photography..and I'm currently looking for a local spot in Celeste for a Studio. 

So that's where I stop or this episode ; ), hope you'll join me for the next..in the meantime, a shot or two from my last session..

  Until next time, Tracey